AEP 1200 - Nano-science and Nano-technology

Nano-science is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular, and macro-molecular scales.

Nano-engineering is the design, characterization, production, and application of nano-science.

Working at the 1 - 100 nanometer scale.

Surfaces and Interfaces plat a major role.

  • A 10 nm particle has >20% of its atoms on its surface
  • Potential for greater control of chemical reactions

Quantum size effects become important.

  • Material dimensions similar to quantum mechanical wavelengths (quantum dots)

Information Processing #

What is different from that at the large scale?

  • more interface / higher surface area
  • physical laws interact differently

Information Processing

  • internet
  • data centers
  • super computers
  • cloud storage


  • a fundamental building block of digital devices
  • first invented in 1947 at Bell Labs (Bardeen, Braltain, Schosky); is now the integrate circuit (IC)

Moore’s Law

  • transistor count per IC doubles very tow years

Use of Transistor

  • first used in solid state amplifier
  • later became a switch (“on” versus “off”)


Digital Age

  • information is stored and processed digitally
  • represented as a binary number (bits)
  • codes / conventions to represent
    • ASCII characters: bytes (8 bits) $2^8$
    • 0100 0001 = 65 (base-10)
    • 0100 0010 = 66 (base-10)

Analog Signal -> Music

  • better recording
    • more bits
    • faster sampling or more bins

Transistor and Logic #

1101 -> $(1 * 2^3) + (1 * 2^2) + (0 * 2^1) + (1 * 2^0)$ = 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 13

Transistor is a solid state switch

Logic Gates

  • devices that implement a truth table
