
Why Everyone Should Learn Shell

May 12, 2024

Shell script The scripting languages are funky The tool is always available Learning Shell will be the course in operating systems you never had Sockets Cron jobs file systems Networking When majoring in Computer Science at my alma mater, our CS 4410/5410: Operating Systems course was a requirement. Along with that, I took the practicum course, CS 4411/5411: Practicum in Operating Systems, which lets you implement sections of an operating system in C. ...

Lessons from my first Shell script

January 10, 2024

One day, my manager proposed to me a task that involved backing up a folder located on server that hosts the backend our court’s local instance of CM/ECF. This folder contained JSP (Java Server Pages) file that were used to template out Word documents that can be automatically generated. As multiple types of employees (both technical and non-technical) will be editing these JSP files at anytime, we wanted a way to schedule a backup of the folder. ...

Updating Congress

January 12, 2023

The process of data transfer between humans is an education optimization and learning problem. Words (auditory), pictures (visual), or both How long do speeches need to be? Is there a drop off of concept retainment for longer speeches? It is actually good that States have some political freedom and divergence from the federal government. They can act each as independent experiments of policies and laws. Imagine a three dimensional space. Let’s take a vector in this space to represent the type (form, style, shape) of government (policies, branches, administrative function) that the federal government follows. ...

The First-Principles Design to Your Society

August 5, 2022

Existentialism # General Framework Religion or Philosophy or Nothing? From physics to Existentialism Why Existentialism Sea of endless purposes, but you can pick one With your picked purpose, a clear path can be made To move around intellectually one must first pick a general framework to work within. A framework is needed to give your thoughts motivation and relativity compared with others. Why Humans Collect # The objective biology of it ...

A Mathematical Representation

January 13, 2022

Why Math # A true understanding of any system (a system can really represent anything: the United States’ economy, the hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics, a sports game, etc.) must be scientific. When investigating anything, a question of “why” can be asked at any level of the system. If we keep asking why, we will inevitably reach the discipline of physics, where the language is mathematics. To understand is to quantify, and if things are too heuristic or qualitative, we must create a mapping or model to understand. ...

My Goal

January 10, 2022

My goal in life is to increase human happiness. This is a quite broad and general goal, something that everyone should be able to get behind. However, I must admit that the objective reason for this being anyone’s goal is beyond me. Objective right and wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral comes from ones basic personal beliefs. The only objective fact we have in life is that there is no objective; no true purpose, no true good, no true reason why we are here. ...

Excess Value in Capitalism

August 15, 2021
axiom, politics

An objects should be based on its raw material inputs and time and energy to create. Capitalism inflates the price of certain things based on location, as it is a limited value, and the supple of that thing.

Crime and Punishment

August 12, 2021

In a society there will always be people that break the rules. We will leave the discussion of the nature of these rules for later, and focus on how to treat and process the ‘rule breakers’. Lets first start with the trivial solution. The trivial solution would be that of zero, doing nothing. If the thought of doing nothing to a person who breaks a particular rule seems reasonable, then the rule itself is probably at fault for the illogical solution. ...

Document, Voting, and Argument Database (DVAD)

August 12, 2021
politics, technology

I have tried to start making this. The concept of creating some type of application, whether that be a website, app, etc., first came through my mind around senior year of high school. The idea of the website ‘’ at first was going to be site where clear, detailed information about politics, elections, Congress would be easily accessible to all. I wanted summaries of legislature that were going through Congress, outlines of candidates’ polices and ideas, as well as a history of all politician’s past action for an increased amount of accountability. ...

Engineering Any System

August 12, 2021

Is capitalism steady-state? Sending letters to the telegram to the iPhone Perfection is impossible to reach unless defined solely by mathematics, but even then measure certainty is still present. With this dynamic change, however, the product or system must still be stable and functioning Dynamic change must be allowed No system or product is perfect at conception Perfection can only be rigorously defined through mathematics, and even within math itself, it is impossible to reach. ...