Updating Congress

Updating Congress

January 12, 2023

The process of data transfer between humans is an education optimization and learning problem.

Words (auditory), pictures (visual), or both

How long do speeches need to be? Is there a drop off of concept retainment for longer speeches?

It is actually good that States have some political freedom and divergence from the federal government. They can act each as independent experiments of policies and laws. Imagine a three dimensional space. Let’s take a vector in this space to represent the type (form, style, shape) of government (policies, branches, administrative function) that the federal government follows. At the tip of this vector stems multiple delta vectors that represent the change in the type of government that each of the States are following. Of course the true State vector is the addition of the federal vector and delta state vector.

Where is the mathematical understanding of government? Natural Language Processing; we have a constitution with a limited number of words, can this be mapped into space or set that can be operated on?

Need to link legislative law to actions in implementation (and then to affect) or to administrative actions (into affect). Executive branch must link authority to each action.