

August 10, 2021

Perspective (noun): the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance The human body interfaces with the outside through our five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. This information from the outside world then filters through the body into the brain where it is processed. With regards to how someone sees the world, their perspective, variation can come in three different ways. The first, and less complex one, is variation in our actual mechanics of gathering information from the outside world; these are the five senses stated before. ...

Asymptote Framework

February 9, 2021

Nothing in life is 100%, 1, or perfectly full. This can be proven in a quantum mechanical standpoint or through the semantics of classification. The idea of approaching the asymptote fills this gap and allows us to proceed normally with our life. Some people would say that there is no such thing as a Utopia, these people would be right. So is there no point of attempting to get there if the end goal is impossible to achieve? ...



One of the major building blocks of society is empathy. To create a society that will help each other on multiple levels, empathy is needed to connect each member of the community. Empathy alone cannot get your society to the full connection that is needed, there must also be an aspect of trust. As the topic of page was first about empathy, which seems to be very important to people, I have developed a transition to maybe the more important sympathy. ...

Why Be an Engineer?


Often when I meet new people, both my major(s) and my future employment come up. I am always honest with them; I am an engineering physics and computer science double major, and I want to go into politics. This will often leave them in confusion, either asking how I want to connect my engineering degrees to politics or asking why I am majoring in two engineering disciplines. When people ask the former, they try and connect my engineering knowledge to specific technical policy decision: whether to invest in this type of energy source, technical choices of internet restrictions and rules. ...

Why Humans Collect


The objective biology of it We want to live to reproduce But why would anyone want to live in pain? What does better mean? We collect to make everyone’s lives better If you have ever received coaching or tips when generating a start-up, one common action is creating a mission statement. On the surface, mission statements seem to be an advertisement or public relation trick to boost the reputation of your company, and it some cases this maybe true. ...