
Updating Congress

January 12, 2023

The process of data transfer between humans is an education optimization and learning problem. Words (auditory), pictures (visual), or both How long do speeches need to be? Is there a drop off of concept retainment for longer speeches? It is actually good that States have some political freedom and divergence from the federal government. They can act each as independent experiments of policies and laws. Imagine a three dimensional space. Let’s take a vector in this space to represent the type (form, style, shape) of government (policies, branches, administrative function) that the federal government follows. ...

Excess Value in Capitalism

August 15, 2021
axiom, politics

An objects should be based on its raw material inputs and time and energy to create. Capitalism inflates the price of certain things based on location, as it is a limited value, and the supple of that thing.

Document, Voting, and Argument Database (DVAD)

August 12, 2021
politics, technology

I have tried to start making this. The concept of creating some type of application, whether that be a website, app, etc., first came through my mind around senior year of high school. The idea of the website ‘wethepeople.com’ at first was going to be site where clear, detailed information about politics, elections, Congress would be easily accessible to all. I wanted summaries of legislature that were going through Congress, outlines of candidates’ polices and ideas, as well as a history of all politician’s past action for an increased amount of accountability. ...


August 12, 2021
axiom, politics

On the surface, freedom sounds like an amazing feature to have in your society. Why should I have people telling me how I can live my life? But even with that question, I can already see a flaw. Laws are clearly needed in a society, but they limit my freedom. So maybe freedom is not as strong as we first thought. The question for building any society to break down the needed and desired features. ...

Modern Senate

August 12, 2021

Splitting up the group: The total count of Senate members in the United States Congress is 100. These individuals will be split up into 25 total groups of 4: randomly selected, at least one registered Republican and Democrat, meetings are recorded. Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (In DC) 8:30 am: General Preparation, meeting, emails 11:30 am: Lunch 11:00 am: Voting 1:00 pm: Group Bill Discussion 4:00 pm: Break 4:30 pm: Free Collaboration Time 6:00 pm: END Thursday, Friday 6:00 am: Travel to represented State 8:00 am: Town Hall -> Speeches 9:00 am: Town Hall -> Discussion and Votes 10:30 am: Repeat Town Hall process 1:00 pm: Lunch 2:00 pm: Meetings, Discussions, Management Document, Voting, and Argument Database (DVAD): [[Make IT]] ? ...

The Filibuster

August 12, 2021
axiom, politics

Imagine you’re designing a scheduling scheme for the CPU in your computer. Or in another abstraction, you’re attempting to run multiple programs on your computer. (The computer architecture analogy works well when dealing with systems that need to be optimized because CPU schedulers and computers in general have been optimized both on a heuristic and mathematical level. They are great examples of engineers and theorists doing amazing work.) In both of these scenarios, we have an entity that needs to manage multiple tasks. ...

Government funded Universities

August 9, 2021
education, politics

There are too many PhD student and not enough professor positions. This creates a poor ‘academic paper’ environment. These people, I assume, want to do research more than teach, but I need good teachers and they want to do research. I would have them teach at all level, even if they are researching high level topics.

The Process of Voting


With post-processing vote (less voter registration and more processing once votes are in), the official have more power to decide whether a vote is valid or not, giving a bigger threat than if it is harder for people to register in the first place.

The Science of Government


Or as John Adams says, the “Divine Science of Politicks.” Before anything, I want to first lay down some common definitions so we get a similar sense of what we are dealing with here. To communicate effectively, we must have a strong basis to build upon. government (noun): the body of persons that contribute the governing authority of a political unit or organization governing (verb): to exercise continuous sovereign authority over ...